Jain Health Initiative - Health Resources
Useful health-related information to promote wellbeing in the Jain Community
OneJAIN presents Health Webinars
OAUK in collaboration with The Jain Health Initiative presents:
How to Improve your SLEEP
Sun 26th February 2023. 8.00-9.00pm (UK), followed by Q & A
Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our health & wellbeing. In fact, it’s just as important as eating a balanced diet and exercising. Most adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night, however, over 30% of people are unable to achieve this and are therefore sleep deprived. Why does this happen? and what affect does this have on our bodies?
To find out, tune in to this webinar to hear about the science of sleep, the relationship between sleep and health, and the importance of good sleep hygiene. Our superb line up of medical experts will also teel us about a range of sleep and breathing disorders, from insomnia and sleep apnoea, to other rarer conditions.
Finally, we will hear a personal story from a young man in his 20s who has managed to significantly improve his quality of life by simply changing the way he sleeps.
Dr Swapna Mandal: Consultant Respiratory, Sleep and Ventilation Physician (RFL) & Honorary Associate Professor (UCL)
Dr Amar Shah: Respiratory Research Fellow (RFL/UCL): Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Dr Anita Desai: Respiratory Research Fellow (RFL/UCL): Non-respiratory sleep disorders
Mr Rishav Punatar (personal story): Digital Consultant
Hosts & Event Coordinators:
Dr Rajvee Punatar & Poonam C. Shah
(OAUK EC Trustees, Health & Wellbeing co-chairs)
Join us LIVE on
Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/p3djs2xn
Meeting ID: 874 5027 1395 Passcode: health
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/oshwaluk
Direct link: https://youtube.com/live/EjyY28R1CDc
Send your questions in advance to our panel by emailing wellbeing@oshwal.org
OAUK in collaboration with The Jain Health Initiative presents:
Webinar: Men’s Health- How to Take Care of Yourself
Date: Sun 29th January 2023. 8.00-9.00pm (UK), followed by Q & A
Men are far less likely to see a doctor than women, yet, they have a greater chance of serious illness and they die younger too. So why don’t men take better care of themselves? Together with our fantastic line up of speakers , we will explore these issues and what men can do to change this and prolong their lives
Experts in Conversation
Dr Nihar Shah: GP
Dr Ameet Bakhai: Cardiologist & Research Lead
Miss Jyoti Shah MBE: Consultant Urological Surgeon
Paren Shah (personal story): Property Investor/ Accountant
Please share with friends and family. This event is in English and Gujarati and open to all.
Event Hosts:
Dr Rajvee Punatar & Poonam C. Shah
(OAUK EC Trustees, Health & Wellbeing Portfolio)
Additional Resources - Download
OneJAIN & the Jain Health Initiative are pleased to present:
Caring for a Loved One who has Parkinson’s or Dementia
A live and interactive webinar with audience Q & A
In English & Gujarati, and open to all
Date: Sun 20th March 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
Join our panel of experts as they give clear and practical advice.
This will be followed by an interactive Q & A session, where you can put your questions directly to our panel via zoom.
Experts in Conversation
- Dr Khyati Bakhai, General Practitioner
- Mala Jain, Enterprise Supervisor, Shaw Trust
- Vishal Shah, Board Trustee, Care England
- Varsha Dodhia, NHS Manager
Zoom Meeting ID:884 3098 0034 Passcode: JHI
Please share with friends and family. This event is in English and Gujarati and open to all.
Additional Resources - Download
New! Befriending Service
For Jain and Hindu Vaniks
A free service
Initial roll out in the NW London area
Do you know someone who would benefit?
Please contact Manhar Mehta: 07775 523233
Would you like to be a volunteer?
email: manhar.mehta@vanikcouncil.uk
OneJAIN & the Jain Health Initiative are pleased to present:
Women's Health and Empowerment
A live and interactive webinar with audience Q & A
In English & Gujarati, and open to all
Date: Sun 27th Feb 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
Women's health issues are sadly still a taboo subject in our community, and a more open dialogue is needed. The JHI team is keen to start this process and help empower women to take charge of their health.
Join our panel of experts as they give clear and practical advice on the menopause, bladder weakness and the importance of breast/cervical and bowel screening. We will also a hear a poignant and personal story about struggles with infertility.
This will be followed by an interactive Q & A session, where you can put your questions directly to our panel via zoom.
Experts in Conversation
- Dr Khyati Bakhai, General Practitioner
- Sushma Shethna, Physiotherapist
- Sunita Dhanani, Biomedical Scientist
- Dr Anuja Shah, General Practitioner
Zoom Meeting ID: 898 6587 9209 Passcode: JHI
YouTube https://tinyurl.com/onejain22
Please share with friends and family. This event is in English and Gujarati and open to all.
OneJAIN & the Jain Health Initiative are pleased to present:
Living with COVID
A live and interactive webinar with audience Q & A
In English & Gujarati, and open to all
Date: Sun 6th Feb 2022 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
It is time to live with COVID- but what does this mean? and how can we do this safely?
Join our panel of experts as they give clear and practical advice on managing your risks and protecting the vulnerable. They will also share information about the latest antiviral treatments and managing long COVID.
Followed by an interactive Q & A session, where you can put your questions directly to our panel via zoom.
Experts in Conversation:
Miss Jyoti Shah, Consultant Urological Surgeon
Dr Raj Mehta, Scientist and Entrepreneur
Dr Rajvee Punatar, Principal Research Scientist.
Dr Amisha Mehta, GP & Hospital Tutor
Join us on Zoom
Meeting ID: 878 9910 0485 Passcode: JHI
Please share with friends and family. This event is in English and Gujarati and open to all.
OneJAIN presents 8th JHI national programme for the whole UK community:
Let’s Talk about Cancer
Date: Sun 13th June 2021 at 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
Experts in Conversation:
- Miss Jyoti Shah - Consultant Urological Surgeon
- Dr Rajvee Punatar - Principal Research Scientist
- Mr Sujay Shah - Senior Registrar Colorectal Surgery
- Dr Amisha Mehta - General Practitioner and University Lecturer
Trusted Sources for General Cancer Information:
Specific Topics:
Signs and symptoms of cancer | Cancer Research UK
Your urgent cancer referral explained | Cancer Research UK
Cancer Types - Cancer Research UK
Cancer waiting times | The Nuffield Trust
Can Cancer Be Prevented? | Preventing Cancer | WCRF UK (wcrf-uk.org)
Cancer Support- for patients and families
Gujarati - Macmillan Cancer Support
Cancer Charities - for making donations
Medical History Form
Download this WORD document template and fill in with your details. Take this with you when you go to hospital.
OneJAIN presents 7th JHI national programme for the whole UK community:
Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Protected
Date: Sun 23rd May 2021 at 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
As restrictions are lifted in the UK, how can we best stay safe? Watch this webinar to find out - and hear our expert panel discuss the latest in vaccines & variants, clotting and long COVID, myths, travel, and how to support our relatives in India. Most importantly, let's learn how to act responsibly and minimise a third wave.
Experts in Conversation:
- Dr. Ameet Bakhai, Consultant Cardiologist & Research Director
- Dr. Raj Mehta, Scientist & Entrepreneur
- Dr. Anuja Shah, General Practioner (GP)
- Dr. Rimal Shah, Accident & Emergency Consultant
- Mr. Abhay Chopada, Colorectal and General Surgeon
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXKo3RA8cMQ
Please share with all friends and family. This event is open to all.
OneJAIN presents the 6th JHI national programme for the whole UK community
Improving Care and Treatment
Date: Sun 9th May 2021 at 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
ડાયાબિટીસ- સારી સારવાર અને સારું જીવન
Are you or a loved one living with type 2 Diabetes? Learn what long-term changes happen to the body, what you can do to prevent them, and how to improve your quality of life. Our experts will discuss the latest medical advances in treatment and understanding of the disease.
Experts in Conversation:
- Mrs. Arshna Sanghrajka, Diabetes Specialist Pharmacist
- Dr. Anuja Shah, General Practioner (GP)
- Dr. Shaine Mehta, GP & Clinical Lead for Diabetes
- Dr. Khyati Bakhai, GP Partner
Play Video on YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/onejain2021
The event will also include a short update on COVID-19
Please share with all friends and family. This event is open to all.
Balance & Ageing - Preventing falls in old age
Date & Time: Sun 11th April at 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kR6YZoDc-U
Useful Resources
To learn more about how to prevent falls, strength exercises, balance exercises, staying active and many more website resources…
Get Up and Go - A Guide to Staying Steady - Download PDF
Brought to you by Saga in association with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and Public Health England
MENTAL HEALTH – It's Okay Not to be Okay!
Date & Time: Sun 14th Mar at 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
Although not often openly discussed, many in our community are experiencing mental health difficulties made worse by the pandemic and lockdown. In this session join our expert panel to find out what we mean by mental health and wellness. Learn how to support yourself and others and access help when experiencing mental health difficulties
Experts in Conversation:
- Dr Chirag Gorasia, Clinical Psychologist
- Varsha Dodhia, NHS Service Improvement Manager
- Dr Rishi Galaiya, Junior Doctor & Core Trainee in Psychiatry
- Anish Shah, Founder & CEO of Mentis
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/zGy-qSN7QIc
Clearing Your Concerns
With fresh developments and still many concerns from community members, we continue our popular Expert Covid-19 series with a session in English on Sunday 7th February.
This event is open to all. Please share with all friends and family.
THE RACE TO BEAT COVID-19 – Clearing Your Concerns
Have a cup of tea,and join our Experts in Conversation to share your concerns and questions, and hear the latest updates about vaccines, viral mutations, frontline experiences and more!
Date & Time: Sun 7th Feb at 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
Medical Experts in Conversation:
- Dr Ameet Bakhai, Cardiologist & Research Director
- Dr Nihar Shah, General Practitioner
- Mrs Arshna Sanghrajka, Diabetes Clinical Pharmacist
- Dr Raj Mehta, Scientist & Entrepreneur
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/HCA1otcaTro
Topics being covered:
· Covid-19 virus and vaccine updates – front line progress
· A true story - Navigating being in hospital with Covid-19
· Viral mutations and will vaccines help protect against these?
· Changing the second vaccine dose timing – will that still work?
· Avoiding life events harming our health
· Questions from the audience
Session 2: COVID-19, VACCINES, Q&A
Sun 26th Jan at 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
Medical Experts:
- Miss Jyoti Shah, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Burton-on-Trent
- Dr Khyati Bakhai, General Practitioner, London
- Dr Anuja Shah, General Practitioner, Luton
- Dr Ameet Bakhai, Cardiologist & Research Director, London
- Dr Rajvee Punatar, Research Scientist, London
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE0vw-gHLcA
This event is open to all. Please share the invite with all GUJARATI friends and family
Session 1: COVID-19, VACCINES, Q&A
Sun 10th Jan at 8.00-9.30pm (UK)
Medical Experts:
- Miss Jyoti Shah, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Burton-on-Trent
- Dr Khyati Bakhai, General Practitioner, London
- Dr Anuja Shah, General Practitioner, Luton
- Dr Ameet Bakhai, Cardiologist & Research Director, London
- Dr Rajvee Punatar, Research Scientist, London
Join us LIVE on YouTube for the first event of new Jain Health Initiative.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zngUisPRJlI
This event is open to all. Please share the invite with all GUJARATI friends and family
Are you a health professional and would like to get involved?
Volunteering to join 'Jain Health Initiative'
To get involved now and share ideas for future projects, we would really welcome any health professionals (GPs, Consultants, Pharmacists, Dentists, Opticians etc) wishing to offer their voluntary services for the new community-wide Jain Health Initiative to register on this link Click here .
Photo by Kaylee Garrett on Unsplash