OneJAIN Recognising Excellence in Community Service
OneJAIN Community Service Awards
Recognising the amazing community work you do
Act now - Nominations due by 12th April 2024
Selfless service to others is an important aspect of the Jain way of life and many in our community are engaged in charitable or supportive activities, both here in the UK and around the world. These include work in the fields of community development, education, food collection and distribution, fundraising for poverty or disaster relief, youth programmes, care for the elderly, local community projects, and many more.
The OneJAIN Service Awards are an initiative of the Jain organisations in the UK to recognise the dedication, commitment, and enterprise of those members that provide exceptional selfless service to the Jain or wider community.
The awards inspire others to get involved, in particular our younger members that have so much to contribute and an eagerness to help. They help bring communities closer together by acknowledging the efforts individuals make for those around them.
In addition to our collective successes in the world of business, industry, and education, it is important that our role in supporting the upliftment of others is given prominence, developed further and recognised.
The awards are presented at the House of Commons in a ceremony attended by leaders of the Jain community and other dignitaries.
We need your help to ensure that the awards committee has as many worthy nominations as possible so that they can be aware of the great work being done.
There are two awards:
1. OneJAIN Excellence in Community Service Award
2. OneJAIN Young Persons Community Excellence Award
Nominees can be nominated by anyone or even by themselves.
Please take this opportunity to think about who you or your organisation could nominate and spread the word. The next OneJAIN Service Award winner could be someone you know or even you!
Let’s make every effort to raise awareness for these awards and start recognising the contribution from our small but capable community.
The OneJAIN Awards Committee
We are looking for nominees who have made a significant impact on the community through the service they have provided voluntarily.
“Community” for the purposes of the award can mean any of the following:
• Community organisation
• Local Community (such as a town or area)
• Across the UK
• UK based initiatives or projects with international impact (i.e. working with a UK charity on an international project)
Individuals can nominate themselves for this award.
Nominations are open to Jain individuals, resident in the United Kingdom. The service for which the individual is being nominated must be either to a community in the UK or work undertaken from the UK which has impact internationally. We cannot verify work that has been undertaken internationally.
For the Young Persons Community Excellence Award, nominations are welcomed for voluntary services undertaken through the course of the nominee’s vocation. For example, a doctor running voluntary health clinics for vulnerable communities, a solicitor offering a pro-bono legal advice clinic, mentoring early-career colleagues to support diversity and inclusion challenges in the workplace, etc.
To give your nomination the best chance of success, please follow some of the tips outlined here:
• Keep your answers to the questions in the Nomination form brief and succinct, but provide sufficient Information
• Focus on recent examples of projects and roles undertaken in the last 5 years.
• Highlight the impact that the work or project has had on people or the community
• Be specific about the work the nominee has done rather than the wider team they may have been a part of (i.e. if a team had successfully run a food-bank for the poor, what role did the nominee play in organising and participating in the food-bank).
Nomination Submissions:
We recommend submitting the form by email to ensure timely receipt, however, we have also provided a postal option on the form. If submitting by post, please ensure all your text is visible on the printout.
Please email awards@onejain.uk if you have any difficulties in submitting a nomination.